Product Description:-
BC CURE 311 is a wnite, low viscosity membrane wnich has an alkali reactive emulsion breaking system. Tnis system ensures tnat the emulsion breaks down to form a non-penetrating continuous film immediately upon contact with a cementitious surface. Tnis impervious film prevents excessive water evaporation which in turn permits more efficient cement hyaration, reducing snrinkage and increasing durability. The membrane once formed is degraded when exposed to ultraviolet lignt over a period of time depending on tne condition of exposure.
BC CURE 3 1 is available in two grades - Clear and Wnite Pigmentea Clear (ASTM C 81-309
TYPE 1 j graae is for all normal temperature climate applications. Wnite Pigmentea (ASTM C 81-309 TYPE 2j contain white pigments to give light reflect- tance, minimizing solar heat gain and is particularly suitable for use in hot climates.
BC Cure 311 Proviaes a spray-on temporary membrane to retain moisture in concrete for effective curing, sealing dust proofing ana hardening concrete. It is formulated to prevent evaporation of the gauging water and provides an economical and efficient method for curing concrete.
•Reduces surface shrinkage and cracking by eliminate- inp moisture loss from exposed surfaces.
•Increases water resistance.
•EnabIes cement to hyarate more efficiently. Reduces tendency of concrete to crack.
•No surface wetting necessary before application to vertical surfaces.
•Nontoxic and nonflammoble.
•EIiminates neea for damp hessian, sana or polyeth- ylene.
Packaging ::
Available in 20 kg pail and 2 0 drum