BC Memb Black PU


BC Memb BlackPU is one-component, liquid, cold applied waterproofing membrane based on polyurethane resin.It is primarily designed to give superior waterproofing and protection to virtually all substrates. It reacts with moisture in the atmosphere and forms an impervious, rubberized membrane that resists water, oil, fuel and other common air pollutants. It is an advanced state-of art water-proofing system and offers tangible, cost savings benefits over conventional sheet and bitumen based systems.

First AndSucceeding Coots:

After the prime coat has cured, apply a thin coat of (without xylene) starting with the vertical surface. Ensure that the edges of the vertical surface are evenly coated with P.U. and extends to the horizontal surface by l 00 mm. Disperse liquid that may collect on the edges. Coating shall be allowed to cure at least one ( l) day prior to the succeeding coats. Thickness should be limited to 0.5 0.6mm per coat. Opti- mum

performance can be obtained at a total membrane thickness of 1.0 mm including


16 SQM at l 000 micron thickness depending upon the surface condition.


Available in 20 ltr/kg pail unlike bulky sheet type mem- branes.


  • Do not apply on wet or unprepared surfaces.
  • Avoid inhalation or contact with skin or eyes. In such events remove the person to fresh
  • air, water with cleanwater over the affected area and call for medical attention. Smoking should be strictly prohibited during application.
  • In confined areas of application, breathing should be made available for
  • operatives.
  • Use protective clothing gloves, mask, goggles,etc.